Opleiding: Membership Site Secrets with 20 euro gift card (2024)

Jonge Bazen

De praktijk van het jonge leiding geven

Bert Overbeek is trainer, coach en interim manager, maar tegenwoordig kan je ookzeggen: organisatiedokter en -innovator.Opgeleid door NS en Schouten en Nelissen, beslootJongebazen-oprichter Bert Overbeek na 25 jaar loondienst om voor zichzelf te gaanwerken. Hij wildezijn klanten meer op maat bedienen, debasis van zijn werk verdiepenen de kwaliteit van zijn werk vergroten en had het gevoel dat hij daarvoor onafhankelijkmoest kunnen opereren.Hij is er gelukkig van geworden. (Website met filmpje: www.pitchersupport.jimdo.com)

Prof. dr.Mastenbroekvan Managementsite ‘ontdekte’ dat Overbeek meer kon dan bedrijven helpen met verbeteringen van resultaat en sfeer. Hij vroeg de schrijvende organisatieontwikkelaarof hij een weblog voor jonge managers wilde bijhouden, als partnerlink van het grote ManagementSite. Dat was tien jaar geleden. Sindsdien schreef Overbeek bijna 1500 artikelen en zes boeken. Ze werden uitgegeven door Haystack en door Futuro Uitgevers. Twee boekenwerden bestsellers en eindigden in de top 10 (‘Het Flitsbrein’ en ‘Mannen en/of vrouwen’).

Overbeek vindt kosteloze kennisdeling en informatie-uitwisseling zo belangrijk, dat hij hier op jongebazen.nl nu 10 jaar de finesses van het managementvak deelt met vakbroeders en collega’s. Daarmee liep hij voor op de moderne social media trends waarin het ‘geven’ van gratis informatie een marketing tool is geworden.

Meer dan 100 000 mensen bezoeken Jongebazen per jaar. En het heeft hemveel respect opgeleverd in managementland. Alles wat te maken heeft met het verbeteren van organisaties, teams en mensen boeit hem. 21 jaar ervaring en intensieve studies helpen hem daarbij. Zijn humor leidt er toe dat mensen hem graag inhuren als spreker en inspirator, en zijn veelzijdigheid heeft hemhet compliment van een topvrouw opgeleverd, dat hij altijd een eigen gezichtspunt kiest en je daardoor aan het denken zet.

Organisaties weten de weg naar hem te vinden. Hij zei daarover in een interview: ‘Het is niet altijd makkelijk om mijn werk te combineren met jongebazen, omdat je op zo’n blog wel eens inzichtenlos wilt maken die strijdig zijn met wat gangbaar is in mijn vak. Wat zegt hij daar nu weer?, denken opdrachtgevers dan. Maar ik kan ze gerust stellen. Inmijn werk kan ik me goed op een opdracht richten.’

Bert twittert op Goeroetweets, een titel die is afgeleid van zijn boek ‘Goeroegetwitter’. Het woord ‘goeroe’ is duidelijk met een knipoog. Want hij is wars van goeroeneigingen, en prefereert laagdrempeligheid. Jongebazen heeft een eigen groep op Linkedin.

Correspondentie met BertOverbeek via pitcher.support@hetnet.nlZijn website is www.pitchersupport.jimdo.com

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Opleiding: Membership Site Secrets with 20 euro gift card (2024)


What is the gift card loophole? ›

With Washington state's gift card loophole, corporate executives are incentivized to encourage consumers to leave behind as much money as possible on their gift cards and mobile apps by: ● requiring minimum dollar amounts for reloading gift cards and mobile apps; ● prohibiting customers from paying with a combination ...

Is a $20 gift card enough? ›

For co-workers, casual friends and your children's teachers, stay in the $10 to $20 range. Gift cards for close friends and family members can range from $25 to $100. When you're selecting a gift card for a spouse, parent or someone else who's very special, choose a card worth $75 or more.

Why is it saying my Visa gift card is invalid? ›

Your physical card has not been activated. (Note: Virtual cards do not require activation.) The card has expired. Insufficient funds are available on your card to cover the purchase, which may be influenced by a pre-authorization charge.

How do you catch a gift card scammer? ›

Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Communications: Be cautious of unsolicited emails, texts, messages, or phone calls demanding urgent gift card purchases. Scammers often use high-pressure tactics to trick victims into making hasty decisions.

What gift cards Cannot be converted to cash? ›

This is a question with an answer that is always changing. In general, the answer is no. You cannot get cash off of a Visa or Mastercard gift card. Even when a PIN is present and you select “Debit” at checkout, gift card issuers specifically prohibit the “cash back” option.

What is the Costco gift card trick? ›

In online forums, shoppers report that they've been able to use small denomination Costco gift cards (ex. $25) to get in the door. Then they can fill up a cart and pay for the rest of the total with other payment methods like cash or debit.

How much does it cost to activate a $20 Visa gift card? ›

All Visa gift cards have a fee, and this fee is dependent on the value of the gift card. Visa gift card of $10.00 to $74.99 have a $2.95 fee. Visa gift card of $75.00 to $149.99 have a $3.95 fee.

Should you give an activation receipt with a gift card? ›

Enclose the gift card receipt.

On the off chance the store's activation process for the card does not work, the receipt will help get the card properly and easily activated. When purchasing multiple gift cards, ask the cashier for individual receipts to attach to each card.

Why does it say my gift card code is invalid? ›

Some numbers and letters look alike (e.g. I - l - 1) which can make entering the characters manually difficult. If you copy and pasted the code, make sure there are no spaces before or after the code. Lastly, make sure you're entering the code in the "Gift Card" field at checkout.

Why won't websites accept Visa gift cards? ›

If you're unable to use your Visa gift card for online purchases, you might need to activate the card or register your card online prior to use. If the problem persists, it's best to contact the customer support team of your card provider.

Why is my gift card declined even though I have money? ›

The most common reasons are that the card hasn't been activated, the cashier is running the wrong type of transaction, the dollar amount being charged is greater than the card's balance or the credit card processing machine is bumping up the charge amount to either place a hold on the card or to allow for a gratuity.

Why do hookups ask for gift cards? ›

Dating sites and social media are hotspots for fraud. Here, scammers invest time building friendly or romantic connections online, gaining victims' trust before requesting gift cards. They'll convince them the cards are for emergencies or transportation to finally meet in person, then disappear once they get the money.

Can someone steal money off your gift card? ›

But unfortunately, there's a fair chance that at some point you could fall victim to a scam, and a common one is a gift card scam. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), consumers reported 48,800 cases of gift card or reload card fraud totaling more than $228 million in losses in 2022.

Can you get your money back if you get gift card scammed? ›

Did you pay with a gift card? Contact the company that issued the gift card. Tell them it was used in a scam and ask them to refund your money.

How do hackers get money off gift cards? ›

Here's how it works: Someone steals a gift card and then copies the card number and security code before resealing it, making it difficult to notice it's been compromised. When another person later purchases the card and puts money on it, the scammer then takes the money, or “drains” the card of its funds.

What is the Starbucks gift card controversy? ›

Over the last five years Starbucks has claimed nearly $900 million in unspent gift card and app money as corporate revenue, boosting corporate profits and inflating executive bonuses.”

How do I turn unwanted gift cards into cash? ›

Popular websites include giftcards.com, Raise, CardCash, and Gift Card Granny. To protect yourself from faulty purchases, check to see if the company has a guarantee of your money back. For example, CardCash has a 45-day money-back guarantee on all discounted gift cards and Gift Card Granny offers a lifetime guarantee.

Are gift cards tracked by IRS? ›

No, gift cards cannot be tracked by the IRS. When it comes to the IRS and gifting, reporting gift cards is done using the honor system. However, if you are not honest about the gifts you are giving, the issue could come up in an audit.


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.