Brandy & Mr. Whiskers - TV Tropes (2024)

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Brandy Harrington

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers - TV Tropes (1)

You snooty little cutie with your nose in the air!

Voiced by: Kaley Cuoco (English), Maaya Sakamoto (Japanese), Xóchitl Ugarte (Latin American Spanish), Pilar Martin (European Spanish), Aurélia Bruno (French)

A selfish, arrogant, fashion-obsessed teenage female dog who is forced to live with the annoying Mr. Whiskers.

  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Although Mr. Whiskers has made her life a living Hell plenty of times (and vice versa), she still loves him nonetheless and will always go out of her way to save him.
  • Badass Adorable: Best demonstrated when she fights as a Masked Luchador. She's pretty good at wrestling and manhandling larger enemies, having done so since she was a pup against her litter of siblings.
  • Bare Midriffs Are Feminine: She is a fashion-obsessed teenager who wears a pink blouse that shows her midriff.
  • Big Sister Bully: Often goes out of her way to put Mr. Whiskers through Hell for the fun of it.
  • Character Catchphrase: Almost always refers to herself as ''"Brandy Harrington, of the Florida Harringtons"'.
  • Cute, but Cacophonic: Her voice can get grating at times, especially when she yells.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Brandy never misses an opportunity to snark at Mr. Whiskers.
  • Ears as Hair: Her ears make her look like she has pigtails.
  • Exposed Animal Bellybutton: Her shirt bares her midriff and shows her belly button.
  • Fallen Princess: While not an actual princess, she was from a rich family fell out of a plane on the way to a high-class pet spa and into a jungle.
  • The Fashionista: A fashion-obsessed dog with a penchant for looking stylish.
  • Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Justified. Brandy is into fashion and loves to dress up.
  • Gag Haircut: In "Where Everybody Knows Your Shame", Brandy’s overnight dye job to her horror leaves her with blue hair/ears, and frantically trying to use blonde dye to fix it makes it both green and puffy. She then tries to cut and style it which only leaves it uneven on one side while the other has holes in it.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's very rude, condescending and arrogant, but she does care about Mr. Whiskers and the other animals deep down.
  • Lazy Bum: In the episode "Get A Job", she constantly slacks off at work and leaves Mr. Whiskers to pick up the slack, which causes him to crash and lose his job.
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Mr. Whiskers. They bicker and Brandy can't stand him sometimes, but she still cares about him. It's even lampshaded in the theme song.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: A literal one: when Brandy isn't being snobby, she can be a decent person.
  • Never My Fault: Whenever Mr. Whiskers calls her out on her actions, more often than not she'll refuse to take responsibility.
  • A Pet into the Wild: Brandy is a pampered pet who gets lost in a rain-forest.
  • Really Gets Around: She'll flirt with any male animal she thinks is cute. The episode Brandy's Best Ever Boyfriend brings up a line of Brandy's ex-boyfriends which include a wolf, a deer, and a monkey that she dumped who went onto date others.
  • Rich Bitch: She's very snooty, stuck-up and rude, although the "rich" part disappears when she gets stranded at the beginning of the series.
  • Riches to Rags: Before the show began, she lived a life of luxury. Since falling out of a plane, however, she spends her time adjusting to jungle life, though it doesn't stop her from bringing her civilized culture to the wild, such as introducing currency to the jungle mall. Though she still lives more or less as poor after bringing commerce to the jungle.
  • Visual Pun: A female anthropomorphic dog who had owners who were rich and she was always pampered by them. In other words, a literal Rich Bitch.
  • You Are What You Hate: When she learns that she's a mixed breed and not a purebred Spaniel in "Pedigree Schmedigree," she doesn't take it lightly. Whiskers pushed her enough to be proud of this.
  • You Go, Girl!: When she fights as a Masked Luchador.

Mr. Whiskers

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers - TV Tropes (2)

You overly dramatic aromatic hare!

Voiced by: Charlie Adler (English), Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese), Luis Daniel Ramírez (Latin American Spanish), Rafael Alonso Naranjo, Jr. (European Spanish, Season 1 and part of Season 2), Francisco Javier García Sáenz (European Spanish, rest of Season 2), Laurent Morteau (French)

An annoying, smelly, foolish rabbit who is forced to live with the spoiled Brandy after accidentally kickstarting the plot of the show.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Acts as a surrogate one to Brandy, constantly embarrassing her in front of all the other animals.
  • Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Primarily barefooted, though he does wear footwear if the situation warrants.
  • Big Eater: Once ate his way through a pile of oysters as big as himself.
  • Butt-Monkey: Suffers a lot of slapstick, is constantly made fun of and occasionally beat up by the other animals, and even the cutaway gags like to make fun of him.
  • Characterization Marches On: He gets a lot more intelligent and perceptive in Season 2, and, while still a tad slow and a Cloudcuckoolander, is much more logical and calculating than he was in the first season. He also seems to get along a lot better with the other animals.
  • The Chew Toy: Poor guy can never catch a break. Even when you exclude all the danger he's been in before he met Brandy, he still tends to go through Hell on a daily basis and is practically the show's punching bag (not that he minds it much).
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Mr. Whiskers makes a complete fool out of himself in front of Brandy and pretty much the others.
  • The Ditz: He's oblivious to danger and Brandy's warnings.
  • Gasshole: A rather disgusting and foul-smelling rabbit who takes pride in being as gross as possible. It's this trait that allows him to even survive in the rainforest as many predators who've eaten him eventually puke him back out in disgust.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: He is well aware of how unpopular, disgusting, and reviled he is viewed by others in the Amazon Rainforest, but embraces those traits as a part of himself as his own chosen identity and even uses them to help others at times. This is emphasized in his speech to a depressed Brandy in an episode focused on her mixed pedigree where he acknowledged that despite descending from notably skilled individuals and greatness he admits that "he stinks" in comparison and uses that to teach Brandy she can choose what she wants to be.
  • Iron Butt Monkey: He's constantly getting injured, mocked, laughed at and bullied, but he's still his cheerful, goofy self despite all of it.
  • Jerkass Ball: He can grab this trope pretty hard when he gets annoyed or co*cky enough, which is often. An example was making Ed cry in The Monster On My Skin, though he has a Jerkass Realization immediately afterwards:

    Mr. Whiskers: I don't want any more of your stupid food! I don't want any more of your worthless cures! If you can't help me, I don't ever wanna see your ugly face ever again. I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!

    Ed: Gee, if that's the way you *sniff* I mean if uh, all right then....]

  • Keet: Whiskers really does know how to hype it up. He's extremely lively and energetic, going hand-in-hand with his Cloudcuckoolander nature.
  • The Lancer: To Brandy. He is less intelligent and extremely eccentric, but also more clever and considerably more brave, not to mention a nicer person overall.
  • Large Ham: He is a crazy critter who can't tone himself down in serious situations.
  • Last-Name Basis: It is unknown whether 'Whiskers' is his actual last name or just a pet name common to other domestic animals.
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Brandy. As much as they clash with their differences, they truly do love each other.
  • Lucky Rabbit's Foot: For a time, Whisker discovered he had an uncanny level of good luck that was connected to his feet. Unfortunately, his luck ran out.
  • Made of Iron: He seems to take a lot of serious injuries like nothing.
  • Nice Guy: He's always very happy to make new friends and loves to have fun and be a goofball, but he has his moments.
  • The Pig-Pen: One episode even reveals that he never bathes.
  • Reality Warper: Essentially, in the traditional "cartoon characters can do the impossible" sense. Later explained when it's revealed that Whiskers has a talent with magic.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: What did you expect from Charlie Adler?
  • Sidekick Creature Nuisance: He plays this role to Brandy more so.
  • Smelly Feet Gag: Considering his unhygienic nature, this is to be expected. There's this from "Happy Birthdays":

    Mr. Whiskers: (to Brandy) Oh I just wanna stay home and smell my feet. (shoves them in his nostrils as stench lines are depicted around them) (lets out a sigh of relief) Wanna whiff?

  • Toilet Humour: A source of Brandy's frequent disgust, as lot of scenes will feature him either picking his nose, digging for earwax, smelling his feet, burping, or farting.


Voiced by: Tom Kenny (English), Kōji Ochiai (Japanese), Mario Filio (Latin American Spanish), Juan Antonio Arroyo (European Spanish)

  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Only when he's telling stories, in which he tends to stretch the truth.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has a rather dry sense of humor.

    Mr.Whiskers: Oh Ed, you're a genius!

    Ed: Thanks, Whiskers. And you're.....ummmmmm, I'm gonna have to get back to you on that.

    • And of course, this scene from the birthday episode:

    Brandy: Okay, is it possible to work even slower?

    Ed: You know, I haven't given it that much thought but I reckon it just might be possible.

    Brandy: I was totally being sarcastic.

    Ed: Oh! Well, it shames me to admit it, Miss Brandy, but I don't traffic in sarcasm too much, so I don't really tend to recognize it when it is out there. You could give me a heads up, like, "Hey, sarcastic comment coming." Just let me know and then I'll--I'll have my eyes open. I mean, come on, a sarcastic otter? That'll be unnatural.

  • Jive Turkey: In Loathe Triangle, he makes fun of this trope.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: The scene from Con Hare where he dodges his way through a passageway of arrows.
  • Nice Guy: Is one of the nicest, most easygoing characters in the show
  • Only Sane Man: And how. He has it together a lot more often than the rest of the main cast, with the only character coming close to reaching his levels being Lola.
  • Playful Otter: Averted as he's more of a sarcastic type.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: In one episode, he states that no one owns the trees, sky or wind. He is so right about that.

Lola Boa

Voiced by: Alanna Ubach (English), Takako Fuji (Japanese), Jessica Ortiz (Latin American Spanish), Chelo Vivares (European Spanish)

  • Snakes Are Sinister: Thoroughly Averted. She is one of the friendlier and more helpful characters in the show.
  • Species Surname: Her last name being "Boa".

Cheryl and Meryl

Voiced by: Sherri Shepherd (English), Yurika Hino (Japanese), Carola Vázquez and Toni Rodríguez (Latin American Spanish), Marí a Jesús Gil (European Spanish)

  • Always Identical Twins: Cheryl and Meryl are identical twin toucans.
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Played with, their very prominent chest feathers make them look well-endowed.
  • Sassy Black Woman: They both have the voice of one.
  • Those Two Girls: They are never seen separate.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: The two's constant fighting is a Running Gag.


Voiced by: André Sogliuzzo (English), Hidetoshi Nakamura (Japanese), Arturo Mercado Jr. (Latin American Spanish), Chema Lara (European Spanish)

  • Authority in Name Only: Claims to be ruler of the jungle, but other than a bunch of thuggish monkeys who enforce his demands no one really takes him seriously most of the time. Brandy herself brings this up in a few episodes, which really frustrates Gaspar (especially since he can't refute her).
  • Big Bad: The closest thing to a major villain the show has.
  • Depending on the Writer: How evil Gaspar overall is varies. Sometimes he is a murderous tyrant, other times he is a selfish con man, and other times he is just a petty jerk.
  • Everything's Sexier in French: Subverted. Not only does everyone find him annoying, but Brandy even says in one episode that he sounds better without the accent.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Which is surprising as geckos are normally aversions of this trope.
  • Villainous Crush: Occasionally shown to have one on Brandy. Though this doesn't stop him from trying to eat her when she rejects his advances.


Voiced by: Jennifer Hale

  • Advertised Extra: Appeared in advertising and even had her own character page on the website, but barely ever appeared in the show proper.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Most of her dialogue is being as snarky as possible to everyone around her.
  • The Rival: She's this to Brandy much of the time. Being her jungle-equivalent and catty opponent.


Lorenzo Jaguar

Tiffany Turlington

Voiced by: Amy Davidson (English), Gaby Ugarte (Latin American Spanish)

  • Alpha Bitch: Even more so than Brandy, even willing to leave Whiskers to his death to leave the jungle.
  • Alliterative Name: Her initials would be "TT".
  • Bare Midriffs Are Feminine: She's a Valley Girl, and like Brandy, her blue shirt goes just above her navel.
  • Jerkass: Would rather save herself than help out Mr. Whiskers.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Played with. She's similar to Brandy is some ways but she's meaner and is a pretty different character overall, essentially being a version of Brandy without any redeeming qualities.

Sandy Carington

A similar dog that fell off a plane like Brandy did

  • Foil: From what we can see, she's more patient and nicer to Mr. Frisky than Brandy is to Mr. Whiskers, as she doesn't blame Frisky for somehow mistaking a hatch for a light switch.
  • Nice Girl: More so than Brandy is, as her debut appearance would show.

Mr. Frisky

A rabbit that fell off the plane with Sandy.

  • Nice Guy:He's all in all good person at heart and essentially has all the good qualities that Mr. Whiskers happens to lack.
Brandy & Mr. Whiskers - TV Tropes (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.